民营公司 少于50人 专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会) 贸易/进出口
民营公司 少于50人 专业服务(咨询、人力资源、财会) 贸易/进出口
北京天翔基业咨询有限公司是一家专业从事化妆品申报注册的公司,为客户代理申请进口非特殊(普通)化妆品、进口特殊化妆品、国产非特殊用途(普通用途)化妆品、国产特殊用途化妆品等的卫生许可批件。公司主创人员有近十年的化妆品申报经验,深谙国家政策法规及国外文件应出具的格式及内容,且社会资源广泛、信息灵敏。公司位于北京国家食品药品监督管理局附近,充分占据地利之便,能为客户迅速快捷地办理申报事宜。 Beijing Sky Flying Company is a specialist in cosmetic registration service. We apply for healthpermits for imported ordinary product, imported special product, domestic ordinary product & domesticspecial product. We have registration experience for around ten years and are quite familiar withrelevant regulation & requirements, especially document format & key points. Located in the nearby ofState Food & Drug Administrations (SFDA), we take the advantage of frequent contact with SFDA to getfirst-hand information. These capabilities enable us to do cosmetic registration smoothly and obtainlicenses quickly.